Sunday, August 21, 2022



Now these are one week old.  I have Lettuce, Radish on the bottom 2 punnets.  Then zucchini, broccoli, shallots, carrots, and kale planted. 

This tray as 2 punnets of beans (on the right bottom)  Dwarf Green and Dwarf Purple Queen.  Never grown a purple been so here is my chance. 

This tray has a punnet of  mignuette I bought to get us started while I wait for my seedlings to get big enough.  
I also planted some strawberry seeds  I am up for an experiment now that these are "my"garden beds.  And the other 2 punnets are left over plantings of lettuce and a flower I cannot remember. 

  Son just got himself a couple of guinea pigs so they have been raiding my first patch.  Instead of throwing out some of the greenery we feed it to them.  Great way to recycle.  I don't have a compost heap.  Still in 2 minds as I know they can attract vermon and the less mice/rats we encourage to come the better. 

That is all for today.  I hope you are getting motivated to grow something for yourself.  If not enjoy the lovely day.  

Happy gardening!

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 Yes it is bean day today.   The bean seedlings are ready to plant out.  The Purple Queen packet says they do not need staking but the green...