Sunday, August 14, 2022


 Time to fill!

There are obvious advantages to having a high, built up garden bed.  The disadvantage is the filling.  

I had no lack of helpers (of course this was a job for Hubby and Son, although I helped out on the second one).  Inlaws built a home a few year back and have a huge amount of sand left behind.  So we filled each bed 2/3 sand.  

The inlaws had a sugar cane farm (with some cows thrown in) so we were able to use their truck to bring the sand to us.  Very handy and saved some money here.  

And you will notice these cross bars in the middle.  They come with the kit and help the garden bed to not bough out with the weight of the filling.  Really an awesome idea.  
Also they have a black capping you put around the top edge of the metal.  One to protect the gardener from cutting themselves on it.  After all it is colour bond steel ,and 2, it finishes the bed off nicely. 

Then topped both beds off with a rich, manure filled soil.  I watered them both in to help them settle a little faster. 

So pretty, and ready to go!

Next I bought some organic sugar cane mulch from our local Bunnings (hardware store with everything) Before I put this on my original patch weeds were uncontrollable.  Once I put it on I only got the occasional weed.  Worked 99% effective.  Fantastic!

Today August 14 I planted my first lot of seeds.  The day was absolutely beautiful. So good in fact that I sat in the sun and planted them up and got a little pink for my efforts.  Enjoyed it non the less. 
Will be sharing what I have planted next time.  
Happy gardening!

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